Music News
2. Upcoming singles "Counting My Blessing and Distant" from anticpating LP "On the Rise"
3. Rymir's Upcoming New Video of "City Lights Remix" on YOUTUBE and growing fast!!!
4. EP Music Release of Five(5) Songs See Buttons Below
5. Tour Performances coming 2016

1. Release of Rymir's Singleson his upcoming LP "On The Rise" to Purchase click here!!!!!!!!!!

Community News
1. What About the Child Campaign? - Community Project to help change laws that affect people who seek to know their biological fathers.
2. D.N.A. - Daddy Not Avaliable (Because he dont' wanna be)
A Survial Guide for all but mainly young men on how to live without their fathers and dealing with rejection.
3. Stay In School - Rymir supports education by speaking at high schools to students on the importance of Staying In School.

Life News
Stay Tuned I gotta figure what I can tell the world without them going crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!